Travel, visitors, conferences, talks (some with slides)

Jan-June 2025 Sabbatical visit of David Neilsen (BYU)
17-25/6/25 Oberwolfach with Thomas Baumgarte and David Hilditch
14-18/7/25 GR24 (Glasgow)
21-23/2/24 Visit of Thanasis Giannakopoulos
12-14/3/24 Visit of Daniela Cors Agullo
8-12/4/24 Visit of David Hilditch
13-17/5/24 ESI workshop Nonlinear waves and relativity (Vienna)
18-21/5/24 Visiting Christoph Kehle (ETH Zurich)
24-25/6/24 Visit of David Neilsen (BYU)
8/7/24 Visiting Matthew Schrecker and Mahir Hadzic (at UCL)
10-11/9/24 UK Numerical Relativity 2024 (QMUL) talk on collapse simulations on null cones
3/10/24 Talk at JoMaRec (online)
24-25/10/24 GR Seminar speaker, and visiting Daniela Cors, Cambridge
5/11/24 Visiting Mahir Hadzic (UCL)
29-31/3/23 Invited speaker, Kings and Queens of Gravity, London
14-15/4/23 Co-organiser, BritGrav23, Southampton
25/4/23 Invited speaker, 30 Years of Critical Collapse, APS April Meeting, Minneapolis/online
13-15/9/23 Visit Katy Clough (QMUL) and Eugene Lim (KCL)
13-14/12/24 GRChombo Workshop (London City Institute of Technology)
21/1/22 Talk on vacuum critical collapse, London PDE seminar
26/6-9/7/22 Research in Pairs, Oberwolfach, with David Hilditch and Thomas Baumgarte
25-29/7/22 Frontiers in Numerical Relativity 2022, Jena
25/4-1/7/22 Summer internship of Bernardo Porto-Veronese (M2) (online)
July-August 2022 EPSRC summer internship of Orestis Papadopoulos
26-30/8/22 Stability and Instability in General Relativity, Clay Mathematics Institute, Oxford, talk 26/9/22
2/2/21 Talk on null formulations, Southampton String Theory PGR seminar
22/3-27/8/21 Summer Internship of Bernardo Porto-Veronese (Ecole Polytechnique) (online)
29/3-13/8/21 Summer Internship of Bastien Roy (Ecole Polytechnique) (online)
6-9/4/21 British Applied Mathematics Colloquium, Glasgow (online), contributed talk 7/4on critical collapse
8/4/21 Talk at University College Dublin (ACMS, online) on 2+1 collapse
12-16/4/21 BritGrav21, University College Dublin (online)
21-28/4/21 Current Challenges in Gravitational Physics, SISSA (online)
5-18/9/21 Visit to David Hilditch, Lisbon
(22/3-11/4/20) Visit to David Hilditch, Lisbon (cancelled because of covid)
(10-14/8/20) Frontiers in Numerical Relativity 2020, Jena (cancelled because of covid)
(6-12/9/20) Structure-Preserving Discretizations for Nonlinear Systems of Hyperbolic, Involution-Constrained Partial Differential Equations on Manifolds, Oberwolfach (I could not attend because of covid)
14-18/9/20 Advances in Computational Relativity at ICERM, Brown University (online)
6/4-14/8/20 Summer Internship of Adrien Loty (Ecole Polytechnique) (online because of covid)
22/6-5/8/20 EPSRC Vacation Internship of Raya Mancheva (online because of covid)
21-22/1/19 visit to Jorma Louko (Nottingham)
7-11/2/19 visit to Jena
17/2-17/3/19 visit to David Hilditch (Tecnico Lisbon) (talk 7/3/19)
19-26/3/19 visit of Albert Escriva (from Barcelona)
12-18/5/19 visit to Jorge Rocha and others (Barcelona) (talk 16/5/19)
19/5-1/6/19 RiP at Oberwolfach with David Hilditch and Thomas Baumgarte
10/6-16/8/19 EPSRC Vacation Internship of Martin Dimitrov
1-4/7/19 Bouncing Cosmologies, Sesto: critical collapse talk
7-12/7/19 GR22, Valencia: Einstein-Vlasov talk, 2+1 two-body problem talk
17/7/19 lecture on formulations of the Einstein equations for numerical relativity, at STAG workshop Masterclasses in Relativistic Fluid Dynamics: From Formulation to Simulation
4/9/19 Visit of Albert Escriva
7/11/19 GR Seminar at Southampton
18-19/4/18 Britgrav18, Portsmouth
20-24/2/17 Geometric Transport Equations in General Relativity (ESI, Vienna) (talk 20/2/17)
27/2-3/3/17 Visit AEI Golm (talk 1/3/17)
6-7/4/17 BritGrav17 (Oxford)
9-17/3/16 Joanna Jalmuzna visits
4-5/4/16 BritGrav16, Nottingham (talk 4/4)
31/4-12/5/16 Visit Piotr Bizon and Joanna Jalmuzna, Krakow (talk 4/5)
9-15/7/16 GR21, New York City (talks 11/7 on 2+1 and 14/7 on 3+1)
5-7/9/16 Visit David Hilditch and Bernd Bruegmann, Jena
8-10/9/16 Workshop on Numerical and Mathematical Relativity, Oppurg (Germany)
1-21/2/15 Joanna Jalmuzna visits
1-15/2/15 Trevor Welsh visits
20-21/4/15 BritGrav15, Birmingham
12-18/7/15 Mathematical Relativity, MFI Oberwolfach
23/8-5/9/15 visit Hakan Andreasson and Simone Calogero, Goeteborg (talk 31/8)
22-23/9/15 Minisymposium Mathematical Relativity at DMV meeting, Hamburg (talk 22/9)
24-28/3/14 New Frontiers in Dynamical Gravity, Cambridge
31/3-1/4/14 BritGrav14, Cambridge
3//4/4/13 BritGrav13, Sheffield (talk 4/4)
7-13/7/13 GR20, Warsaw (talk 12/7)
29-30/7/13 Neutron Stars: Nuclear Physics, Gravitational Waves and Astronomy, U Surrey
11-17/8/13 Visit Piotr Bizon, Krakow
16-28/9/13 Mathematics and Physics of the Holographic Principle, Newton Institute
1-2/10/13 Erasmus visit to Liege
30/1-9/3/12 Novel Numerical Methods for Strongly Coupled QFT and Quantum Gravity, KITP Santa Barbara (talk 28/2)
3//4/4/12 BritGrav12 (Southampton, organiser)
11-15/4/12 Visit Eugene Trubowitz and Michael Reiterer, ETH
29/7-4/8/12 Mathematics of Gravity, MFI Oberwolfach (talk 31/7)
6-10/8/12 Visit Ian Hinder, AEI (talk 8/8)
21-23/3/11 Numerical Relativity Beyond Astrophysics, MCTP, Ann Arbor (talk 22/3)
18-21/4/11 U Jena (talk 20/4)
11-14/6/11 David Garfinkle visits
20-25/6/11 MICRA2011, Perimeter Institute (talk 25/6)
4-8/7/11 U Jena (talk 8/7)
11-16/7/11 Numerical Relativity Beyond Astrophysics (organiser, talk 11/7), ICMS, Edinburgh
1-5/8/11 Dynamics of General Relativity, Erwin Schroedinger Institut, Vienna
16/9/11 talk at Gravity Group meeting, IOP, London
25/1/10 Applied Mathematics Seminar, Leeds
4-5/3/10 Jean-Louis Cornou visits
7-12/3/10 Pablo Cerda and Michael Gabler visit
12-16/3/10 Jose Maria Martin-Garcia visits (13/3 we visit Bristol)
18/3/10 GR Seminar, York
22-23/3/10 Nigel Bishop visits
6-7/4/10 BritGrav10, Dublin
26-28/6/10 David Garfinkle visits
15-22/8/10 Visiting Jose Maria Martin-Garcia and Philippe LeFloch, IAP (Paris)
1-7/9/10 Mathematical Relativity, ICMS (Edinburgh)
26-30/9/10 Ian Hinder visits
9/12/10 Philippe LeFloch visits
16/12/10 Jon Braithwaite visits
30/3-3/4/09 MPA Garching
14-17/4/09 CSIC Madrid
24-28/8/09 MICRA2009, Copenhagen
5-19/9/09 visiting David Garfinkle (Oakland U)
20-27/9/09 visiting Randy Leveque (U Washington) (talk 23/9/09)
24/9-2/10/09 visiting Matt Choptuik (UBC) (talk 1/10/09)
3-6/10/09 visiting Frans Pretorius (Princeton)
7-10/10/09 visiting Thomas Baumgarte (Bowdoin) (talk 9/10/09)
20/10-20/12/09 visiting Philippe LeFloch (Paris 6), based at IAP and Meudon
2/11/09 talk GReCo (IAP)
4-6/11/09 Mathematical Methods in GR and QFT (Paris) (talk 6/11/09)
1/12/09 talk APC (Paris 7)
3/12/09 talk LUTH (Meudon)
18-19/3/08 BritGrav8, York (talk 18/3/08)
31/3-4/4/08 AEI, Potsdam
7-11/4/08 U Jena (talk 7/4/08)
29/4/08 Talk at Oxford Relativity seminar
9-13/6/08 Hyperbolic Problems 2008, U Maryland
21-30/7/08 David "Ian" Hilditch visits
8-12/9/08 Numerical Modelling of Astrophysical Sources of Gravitational Radiation , Valencia
3-4/4/07 BritGrav7, Cambridge
25/5-1/6/07 David Garfinkle visits
8-13/7/07 GR18, Sidney (numerical relativity session chair)
30-31/7/07 Ian Hinder visits
27/8-3/9/07 CSIC (Jose M Martin-Garcia), Madrid
8-14/1/06Mathematical Aspects of General Relativity, MFI Oberwolfach
27-31/3/06 Ian Hinder visits
4-5/4/06 BritGrav6, Nottingham (talk 4/4)
6-20/4/06 CSIC (Jose M Martin-Garcia), Madrid (talk 12/4)
17-21/7/06 New Frontiers in Numerical Relativity, AEI Potsdam
16/7-6/8/06 AEI Potsdam
18-20/8/06 Wald/Unruh Fest, Vancouver
16-20/10/06 Global Problems in General Relativity II, Newton Institute
9-17/1/05U Alicante
29/1-4/2/05Jonathan Thornburg visits
3-9/2/05Erik Schnetter visits
18/3-3/4/05Jose Maria Martin-Garcia visits
16-21/4/05Numerical Relativity workshop, Banff (talk 17/4)
8-17/8 and 22-30/8/05Global Problems in General Relativity, Newton Institute (talk 17/8)
18//19/4/05New Directions in Numerical Relativity, Southampton
20-23/9/05BritGrav5, Oxford
26-27/9/05Joerg Frauendiener visits
9-11/1/04 Erasmus visit to Lille
11-12/2/04 Nottingham
17-21/3/04 Numerical Relativity, Boca Raton
16-18/4/04 visit U Jena
18-24/7/04GR17, Dublin (talk 20/7)
23-28/8/04AEI Potsdam
30/8-5/9/04Oakland (talk 2/9)
6-19/9/04U British Columbia (talk 16/9)
20/9-2/10/04Penn State U (talk 23/9)
31/10-26/11/04CalTech (talks Caltech 2/11/, UCSD 12/11)
27/11-18/12/04Louisiana State U (talk 2/12)
20-25/1/03 Visit AEI
12-27/4/03 Visit Jose-Maria Martin-Garcia, Erasmus visits Santiago and Complutense Madrid
16/6-12/7/03 Gravitational Interaction of Compact objects, ITP Santa Barbara
7-11/1/02 Hawkingfest, DAMTP, Cambridge
10-11/2/02 BritGrav2, QMW, London
21/9/02 CQG conference, King's, London
25-29/9/02 EU Network Sources of Gravitational Waves meeting, Palma de Mallorca
26/1/01 IoP Gravity meeting (London)
21/2/01 talk at U Cardiff
27-28/3/01 BritGrav1, Southampton (organiser)
13-28/7/01 GR16, Durban, and Numerical Relativity, Krugersdorp Park
14-21/9/01 ERE, Ingenieros Navales, Madrid
3-23/1/00 Colliding Black Holes, ITP Santa Barbara (talk 13/1)
14/2-13/3/00 ITP Santa Barbara (26/2 talk it Pacific Coast Gravity meeting)
16-22/7/00 Mathematical Aspects of Gravitation, MFI Oberwolfach (talk)
7-12/11/00 visit AEI
1999 (U Chicago, then Southampton)
2-18/7/99 Visit of Jose Maria Martin-Garcia
20-28/6/99 ITP Santa Barbara
5/99 Southampton
4/99 Jena
2/99 Champaign and Milwaukee
1998 (AEI, then U Chicago)
7/98 Visit of David Garfinkle (at AEI)
1997 (AEI)
4/97 U Potsdam, Washington U (St Louis), Penn State, Austin, Washington DC
1996 (LAEFF, then AEI Potsdam)
1995 (LAEFF)
6-12/8/95 GR 14, Florence
1994 (U Utah, then LAEFF Madrid)
9/94 UT Austin
5/94 Vienna (talk 5/5), MPI Garching (talk 10/5), Bern (talk 15/5), Jena (talk 16/5), Potsdam (talk 18/5), UK (talk Imperial 24/5)
5-9/2/94 NCSA
2-5/2/94 UT Austin
1993 (U Utah)
3/93 Pacific Coast Gravity meeting, UCSB
20-27/6/93 Quantum Aspects of Black Holes, UCSB
1992 (Cambridge, then U Utah)
7/92 Les Houches