Re: ClinMed NetPrints

From: Tony Delamothe <>
Date: Thu, 25 May 2000 12:03:26 +0100

Firstly, every submitting author who begins a submission gets a number
allocated to their submission. (Apparently, this is not the approach
with xxx.lanl). A few authors bail out; a few start from scratch again
-so their submission gets a new number.

I suppose I have screened out about 6 submissions -because they didn't
fulfil our criteria for "original research." These articles fall more
easily into the category of hypothesis.

For original research, I don't think it's up to us to have an opinion on
whether it's right or not, and exclude the stuff that we think isn't..
So from where I sit there's no confusion. Clarity, really.

The low numbers (cf with the first six months of the lanl server) may be
explained by the lack of a pre-existing preprint culture in medicine and
ignorance of our service. We're learning -as are all pure online "plays"
- that you've got to market your product hard if people are going to be
aware of its existence. And that's for a product for which we have
identified no supporting revenue stream...and we're not looking for one.

Tony Delamothe

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