Re: No Free Lunches: We Should Resist the Push to Rush Research Online

From: Eberhard R. Hilf <hilf_at_PHYSNET.PHYSIK.UNI-OLDENBURG.DE>
Date: Tue, 9 Oct 2001 11:16:55 +0200

why this renewed discussion on long-time settled topic?

1. Scientific work is best bolstered by instant complete information on
what colleatues anywhere do.
> Thus instant free full text publication of newest results is mandatory.
Realization is by local Webserver of scientist, institute, department or
their university no technical obstacle anymore.

The research colleagues anywhere in the world in the same field need this
urgency most but understand best the content and may better judge than any
journal referee, and decide on their own what they read.

2. The broader Science Community needs to be informed on the progress of
adjacent fields, on necessary side information in their field,
the public should be informed with a high quality standard, that is adding
the information to the document, that the science community checked the
content and found it trustable.
> Thus we need quality filters.

3. Improvement of quality filtering instead of just one blind refereeing.
With this the quality filters come after online-publication.
This opens the chance to diversify the quality filter labels and work.


serve only documents of authors which are registered as professionals
at professional Physics Institutions.

ArXiv serves only documents where the author thinks it to be
worthwhile to be frozen and presented permanently.

Dissonline serves only theses which have been refereed
and approved by the faculty,

GAP German Academic Publisher, a joint venture of some German Universities
will serve a successive set of quality filters, readable by the respective
labe: acceptance by author, research group, institute, university (with
refereeing), cross refereeing by another GAP University expert,
prime refereeing.

Thus instead of having just two types of papers:
preprints and prime research refereed articles the authors can really
choose between a wide variety of quality filtered forms which fits to
the respective individual need.
Thus Science gets new more professional ways to exchange information
with transferring the quality labels.

Eberhard R. Hilf
Received on Tue Oct 09 2001 - 11:53:42 BST

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