ICSU/CODATA on line discussion forum

From: Leslie Chan <chan_at_utsc.utoronto.ca>
Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2003 14:21:23 +0000

Dear Stevan,
Could you please forward this to the BOAI and the AMSCI forums? I can't post
to the yahoo group because our system admin has block us from sending and
receiving mail from that service! Sorry to trouble you.


[Forwarded by Carol Priestley, Director, INASP]

Dear All,

The ICSU/CODATA on line discussion forum: "Science and Technology in the
Information Society" hosted on ICSU website (www.icsu.org) is now open. The
overall aim of the forum is to collect input from all sectors of the
international science and technology community that will help form the basis
for the negotiations that will take place at the World Summit on the
Information Society in Geneva in December this year (WSIS:

Four themes have been selected for this forum as follows:

1. Scientific data and information for decision-making and better governance
2. Ensuring universal access to scientific knowledge internationally
3. Scientific data and information as a global public good
4. Using scientific data and information to improve all levels of education
and training

All members of the international science and technology community are
invited to contribute either as individuals or organisations. In addition,
any other stakeholders, who feel that they have a useful contribution to
make on the role of S&T are invited to do so. The forum is 'open access' and
can be read by anyone. In order to actively participate, the only
requirement is that you follow the simple registration procedure and that
all contributions are attributed.


With best regards.
Mustapha MOKRANE
IT Officer/Network/Webmaster
International Council for Science
Tel :
Fax :
Web : www.icsu.org
Received on Mon Feb 10 2003 - 14:21:23 GMT

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