The ACOHIR project

Accurate Colour high Resolution Recording and Reproduction of 3D objects for electronic publishing and the consumer market.

The project will develop tools to acquire images from 3D objects and software to view them. Like Quicktime VR (QTVR) many views of the object are taken from different angles, then the viewer software allows seamless viewing. ACOHIR software will allow high resolution images and more accurate colour.

ACOHIR will produce a demonstration using objects from museums in Greece, furniture and pottery from Spain for example.


Athens Technology Centre - Greece
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki - Greece
The Christian and Byzantine Museum - Athens
Museum of Cycladic Art - Athens
Barco - Belgium
University of Southampton - UK
The National Gallery, London - UK
Vasari Enterprises Ltd (UK)
AIDIMA - Institute of furniture technology - Spain
EOCENO S.L.  - Spain
Cobax  - Germany
ENST Paris
LRMF Laboratoire- Paris


Funded by the European Community's ESPRIT programme EP23276