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The University of Southampton
6th International ABZ Conference ASM, Alloy, B, TLA, VDM, Z, 2018

Case Study

As successfully practiced at ABZ 2014 and ABZ 2016, the 6th edition of ABZ will include again special sessions dedicated to a shared real-life case study among all the methods addressed in ABZ 2018. The objective of this session is to enrich the set of case studies developed with ABZ methods with a practical and real-life case study. After the success of the “Landing Gear” case study at ABZ 2014 in the aeronautical context and the "Hemodialysis Machine" case study at ABZ 2016 in the medical domain, this time the organisers defined a real-life case study issued from the railway domain with challenging safety requirements. The ABZ 2018 case study is in related to the Hybrid ERTMS/ETCS Level 3 standard.

Note that we welcome ABZ case study submissions that use any formalism (not just ASM, Alloy, B, TLA, VDM and Z).

- An introductory document about the case study can be found here .

- Detailed principles on "Hybrid ERTMS/ETCS Level 3" can be found in this ERTMS Users Group document .

Questions regarding the case study description can be sent to the case study chairs : Klaus Reichl and Thai Son Hoang .

The organisers would like to thank the EEIG ERTMS Users Group (EUG) for the Principles on "Hybrid ERTMS/ETCS Level 3" document released on 14/07/2017.

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