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The University of Southampton

Dr Roeland de Kat


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Dr Roeland de Kat is a Lecturer in the Aerodynamics and Flight Mechanics Research Group at the University of Southampton.

Roeland’s research ranges from experimental fluid mechanics to advanced optical fluid flow diagnostics and from vortices to feathered flight.

Roeland obtained his doctorate from Delft University of Technology in 2012 for his thesis entitled "Instantaneous planar pressure determination from particle image velocimetry".

Since joining the University of Southampton as a research fellow in 2011, Roeland was a Leverhulme Early Career Fellow (2014–2017) and a New Frontiers Fellow (2017), before being appointed as a Lecturer in 2018.”

Research interests

Roeland is interested in experimental fluid mechanics in general and has a specific interest in the following topics:

  • Feathered flight
  • Vortices
  • Pressure and/or force determination from Particle Image Velocity (PIV)

For the most up-to-date overview of Roeland’s research, see his personal homepage .

Research group

Aerodynamics and Flight Mechanic (AFM)

Dr Roeland de Kat
Southampton Boldrewood Innovation Campus
University of Southampton
Building 176
Burgess Road
SO16 7QF

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