AETHER: Tethered UAV
Affordable persistent stare unmanned aircraft
Our research is impact driven so we need to work closely with industry, operators and government. This is particularly true for aerospace and defence: academics are constantly responding to sector needs. Below are a number of collaboration opportunities that relate to aerospace and defence and give a feel for how our experts respond to challenges. The list is not comprehensive: if you don't see something here that meets your needs, our academics are ready to rise to your challenges and identify research or operational means to deliver practical solutions.
Affordable persistent stare unmanned aircraft
Developing of tin sulphide as alternative to antimony sulphide
Harnessing nature's solutions
Understanding exact noise generation mechanisms
Risk analysis, big data analytics and cyber risk management
An industry/University partnership established to advance cyber security
Reducing space debris through adaptation, mitigation and remediation
Enabling technology for commercial and scientific spacecraft
Control of Helicopters
Developing deposition and fabrication capabilities
Uses integrated optical fibre as sensing element to measure acoustic vibrations
Centre for Doctoral Training in Next Generation Computational Modelling
Next-generation nanomaterials and devices
For CO2 and NOx emissions reduction
Immersive virtual interfaces
Multi-kW beam control for various applications
Focused on improving the safety, efficiency & wellbeing of people using technological systems
Understanding human responses to vibrations and low frequency oscillation
Developing the world’s first scientifically engineered wingsuit
For complex, technical, large-scale operations
Optics and power delivery for IR applications
Enabling quantum technology
Optical sensors offer lightweight, highly sensitive solutions to a wide range of applications
Collectives of unmanned systems and sensors
Novel microscale additive manufacturing
3D mapping of material microstructures
Power-efficient, reliable, many-core embedded systems
Modifying everyday fabrics to incorporate sensors, actuators and electronics
Model-based development and verification for software-intensive systems
New avenues for improving airport security
Distributed health and usage monitoring
Enabling the European Space Agency (ESA) to design more efficient spacecraft
CVD processing
Building a business case
using simulations
Case studies
Hierarchical manufacturing, maintenance and value models
Solutions for make-to-order companies