Research project: SIMDAT - Dormant - Dormant
The research and development of generic business level service infrastructures supporting federated problem solving environments has demonstrated significant benefits to engineers.
The research and development of generic business level service infrastructures supporting federated problem solving environments has demonstrated significant benefits to engineers.
In 2004, the Grid hype was at its peak, promising industry the ability to participate in dynamic value networks accessing heterogeneous resources distributed in a globally connected Internet. Today the term has limited value and has returned back to its origins as a technology supporting access to computational resources. Influential projects such as SIMDAT recognised this transition and adopted a service-oriented approach consisting of flexible, interoperating services rather than a monolithic Grid infrastructure. The choice of service-orientation proved vital for the successful integration and acceptance of SIMDAT's generic-enabling infrastructure in different industrial application sectors (automotive, aerospace, pharmaceutical and steel manufacturing) and as a channel for the evolution from Grids to an Internet of Services.