Low cost and low energy, self sustaining wireless pop-up infrastructure for off grid communities.
The majority of the next 3 billion Internet users will only use mobile phones and live in least economically developed countries. Access to relevant information about health, education, produce prices, weather, news and entertainment can lead to a better life and a route out of poverty. However many people are unable to harness the power of the internet due to both the availability/cost of data services and the type of handsets that they own being too basic. BluPoint is a disruptive concept that provides a physical access point to enable these people in off-grid low resources communities to both access free digital materials on their basic and smart mobile phones and create/share their own digital content within their community Smart Space.
Technical advantages
Combined technologies of active control and energy harvesting
Collaboration opportunity
BluPoint requires funding to “production-ise” the Hardware and Software and run two pilot projects in health and education markets. It is anticipated that £1,000,000 is required to achieve a scalable, robust, tested solution within 10 months. Grant and commercial funding opportunities are welcomed.
If you would like to know more please contact Dr. Mike Santer,
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