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The University of Southampton
Aerospace Our research

Research project: Intelligent Sensor Systems

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There is a user-driven demand worldwide for sensors and their system integration. Miniaturised physical sensors, bio(chemical) sensors, meta-material sensors, optical sensors and microfluidics are all in demand and require integration with specialised electronics. Structural health monitoring applications for safety-critical technical structures are driving the renewed interest for further developments for physical micro-electro-mechanical system (MEMS) sensors such as accelerometers.

Miniaturised inertial measurement units incorporating gyroscopes are under development for vehicle control and inertial navigation. Health and Usage Monitoring Systems (HUMS) is another emerging area, which combines a portfolio of sensors (measuring vibration, pressure, current, force, etc.) that constantly interrogate and monitor intelligent buildings, machines or vehicles. Applications include wire monitoring in aircraft and smart grid technology.

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