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The University of Southampton
Ageing & Gerontology Part of Economic, Social & Political Science Postgraduate study

Diana Nabbumba MSc Gerontology (Distance Learning)

Diana Nabbumba's Photo

Hi, I'm Diana Nabbumba and I studied MSc Gerontology (Distance Learning) within Social Sciences: Ageing/Gerontology at the University of Southampton.

I find studying long distance really exciting, I can stay home, I can be in my bedroom or I can be at the beach when I do my reading. I can look up in the middle of the night and study then, it is up to me.

Q: Why did you choose to undertake your studies at the University of Southampton?

I did my bachelors degree in Social Work and then I chose to study gerontology at masters level because there are many older people in Uganda. Most of the organisations are really focusing on younger people, children, women and the elderly, although a small group are vulnerable and particularly left out and yet they face just as many troubles and challenges as any other.

Q: How did you find the distance learning as a whole?

I find studying long distance really exciting, I can stay home, I can be in my bedroom or I can be at the beach when I do my reading. I can look up in the middle of the night and study then, it is up to me. I still have all of the resources available to me, I just log on to lectures at any time which is really fascinating and rather new in Uganda. All of the lecturers are very supporting and we have tutorials occasionally. When you email a tutor they get back to you very fast. We also get sent plenty of reading materials.

Q: What have you achieved as a result of studying at the University of Southampton?

Through studying this masters course I have gained research skills. Back at home I was a research assistant but now that I have gained more knowledge about using other software which in turn I can apply when I go back. Also been able to get better communication skills, writing skills, critical thinking. I gained a better life perspective and believe it will be very good for me when I go back to put it into practice because it is all really applicable.

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