Research on Ageing Exhibition 2013 Event

- Time:
- 12:00 - 14:00
- Date:
- 5 September 2013
- Venue:
- Institute for Life Science (IfLS) Building (no 85). Highfield Campus, University of Southampton. SO17 1BJ Southampton United Kingdom Thursday, 5 September 2013 from 12:00 to 14:00 (GMT)
For more information regarding this event, please email .
Event details
You are invited to join distinguished guests at the University of Southampton lunch-time Research on Ageing Exhibition 2013.
The University of Southampton is at the cutting edge of research addressing the challenges of an ageing population. Our world-leading research in the field of ageing is facilitated by a number of interdisciplinary centres and programmes whose work ranges from saving older people's sight and developing a vaccine for Alzheimer's disease, to assessing the pension prospects of migrant workers. The research evidence contributes to a better understanding of areas such as the factors that contribute to a ‘good' old age, changing obligations to provide informal care, and policy debates on health and social care in later life and the personalisation agenda.
Discover more about our newest, most pressing, and previously unreported projects in the field of ageing at our inaugural lunch-time Research on Ageing Exhibition.
Posters will be presented by post-graduate and under-graduate students, academics and local partners. In addition, we will be launching our new online virtual gallery which will be made available on the Ageing USRG website in early September.
Join us for a lunch-time reception with wine and light refreshments to learn more about what we do through our poster exhibition and introductory talks.
Hosted by: Professor Maria Evandrou , Director, Centre for Research on Ageing and Chair, USRG Ageing and Lifelong Health; and Professor Avan Aihie Sayer , MRC Clinical Scientist and Co- Chair, USRG Ageing and Lifelong Health.
The event is organised by the Ageing and Lifelong Health interdisciplinary University Strategic Research Group (USRG).
RSVP at or email by Friday 14 August 2013
Further information
Visit our website:
Follow us on twitter: @AgeingUSR