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The University of Southampton
600th Anniversary of the Battle of Agincourt Conference 2015


Below you will find information about registration and the many packages available for the conference and a link to the online booking system.

Conference - Book Now!

Residential Packages

If you wish to stay with us on campus in our Hall of Residence then these are you options:

Non Residential Packages

If you are local and want to attend the whole conference your options are as follows:

Individual Items

For those of you who wish to take part in some of the exciting days we have planned but not all of them, the following list is a breakdown of the individual days fees:

** please note transportation to Sunday excursions is not provided unless attending conference dinner.

Optional Extras

To book, please click on this link or the BOOK NOW button towards the top of this page.

Troop map at Agincourt
Troop map at Agincourt
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