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The University of Southampton
Southern Central CAHPR Hub

Welcome to the Southern Central CAHPR website

The Council for Allied Health Professions Research aims to develop clinical research, from audits to large scale studies. The CAHPR is available to any allied health professional interested in research. The council was created by bringing together the Research Forum for Allied Health Professionals (RFAHP) and the Allied Health Professions Research Network (AHPRN).

The Southern Central CAHPR Hub consists of Physiotherapists, podiatrists, occupational therapists, radiographers, orthoptists and speech and language therapists, dietetics, nutrition, audiology, medical physics and pharmacy who are actively involved in research and are promoting research in the clinical setting.


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About us

About the Southern Central Hub of the CAHPR and our facilitators

Contact us

Contact details for the Southern Central Hub of the CAHPR

Interesting downloads

Interesting articles and downloads including the powerpoint presentations and papers from our workshops.

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