CAHPRN Workshop: Engaging patients and lay members in designing, delivering and disseminating your research: A collaborative workshop with PPI experts

Active Health and Technologies Research Group and Council for Allied Health Professional Research Network Study afternoon. The Active Living and Rehabilitation Research Group and Council for Allied Health Professionals Research Network (CAHPRN) would like to invite interested staff to an exciting workshop jointly designed and led by experienced PPI researchers. The workshop will provide the time to explore effective approaches to engaging PPI in research, practise marketing your research to public using social media, and the opportunity to hear from a NIHR PPI reviewer about how grant applications are assessed by PPI representatives.
The workshop will provide the time to explore effective approaches to engaging PPI in research, practise marketing your research to public using social media and the opportunity to hear from a NIHR PPI reviewer about how grant applications are assessed by PPI representatives. It has been designed and developed alongside our PPI partners Sandy Ciccognani, Cynthia Russell, Mark Stafford Watson. The afternoon will be co-led by Claire Ballinger Wessex CLARHC PPI lead and Jo Adams Prof of MSK Health.
Aims of the workshop
1 To engage our PPI groups in supporting FoHS researchers and CAHPRN members in identifying opportunities for PPI informed research projects specifically in the design, development and dissemination of research
2 To review the accessibility of research project design and process to being open to recruiting and attracting participants from harder to reach groups with an emphasis on health literacy
3 To develop and design a web based PPI marketing video tool for current research programmes
4 To discuss and consider the approach to NIHR PPI review with an NIHR PPI reviewer
Workshop session plan
2.00-2.15 Introduction to the PPI event and PPI – Jo Adams/ Claire Ballinger
Context of providing PPI support Cynthia Russell, Mark Stafford Watson and Sandy Ciccognani
2.15-2.45 Engaging PPI in your own research project design – opportunities and examples
Mark Stafford Watson, Cynthia Russell and Sandi Ciccognani
2.45 – 3.30 Making your research accessible to all patient groups – Health Literacy and research information and literature Cynthia Russell
Readability review of your own research literature
Use of community resources to access harder to reach groups
Tea break
3.50 – 4.30 Designing and developing an online video message for engaging PPI reps in own research development - Sandi Ciccognani
4.30-4.50 Getting PPI right: a NIHR PPI reviewers approach – Cynthia Russell
4.50-5.00 Summary
Register here: CAHPRN Workshop