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The University of Southampton
Southern Central CAHPR Hub

New Paediatric Research Funding from the CSP Charitable Trust and Action Medical Research

Published: 27 March 2014

New Paediatric Research funding awards have been developed for 2014. A new opportunity has arisen from the CSP Charitable Trust (CSPCT) to support research into paediatric non-acquired brain injury and paediatric cerebral palsy.

New Paediatric Research funding awards have been developed for 2014. A new opportunity has arisen from the CSP Charitable Trust (CSPCT) to support research into paediatric non-acquired brain injury and paediatric cerebral palsy.

For experienced researchers the CSPCT has teamed up with children’s charity Action Medical Research (Action) and together are providing an award to successful applicants of up to £250,000. Action will continue to run its response mode project grants round and applications will be considered through the Action Medical Research peer review system. Where the Principle Investigator is a member of the Chartered of Physiotherapy and the research is in the area of paediatric non-acquired brain injury and paediatric cerebral palsy joint funding up to £250,000 will be available. For more details please see the CSP website ( ).

For novice researchers the CSPCT is also ring-fencing funds in the area of paediatric non-acquired brain injury and paediatric cerebral palsy; members can apply for funding (up to £20,000) within Scheme B of its Physiotherapy Research Foundation. This is a great opportunity for any novice researchers with a burning question they want to address. Details of how to apply for this fund are available through the CSP website ( ).

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