Poster Perfection Event
For more information regarding this event, please telephone Margaret Bush on 02380597912 or email .
Event details
Southern Central AHPRN follow-on Workshop
Your next local AHP Research Network event "Poster Perfection" will be on Wednesday November 20 th at the University of Southampton. Come and find out how to disseminate your ideas through the creation of a poster.
The Format will be:
4.00pm Tea and networking
4.30pm Short talks about preparing posters (Dr Cathy Bowen & Dr Pete Worsley)
5.00pm Poster discussions - guided ‘tour' of selected posters highlighting effective practice
5.30pm Practical hands-on session
6.00pm Finish
FREE event , but please register so we can order enough cake!
We hope to see you there. Please contact Margaret Bush on to register.
Please forward this email to anyone you think might be interested.
Speaker information
SC AHPRN facilitator's, Cathy Bowen,and
Peter Worsley ,University of Southampton,Leading the workshop