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The University of Southampton
Alumni and supporters

Muhammad Malik

MSc Irrigation Engineering, 1995

Muhammad graduated from the University in 1995
Muhammad Malik

Having left University, my first job was as a Site Engineer on the construction of a sports club that included club building, swimming pools, sports courts, gymnasium and a library. I am currently working as a Principal Engineer at the large scale Neelum Jhelum Hydroelectric Project in Pakistan. I oversee planning related works and am part of the project management team. The best job I have had since University was when I worked at the Ghazi Barotha Hydropower Project in Pakistan - another large scale project. The project had 13 separate contractors working on it and I was responsible for coordinating all these contracts. This is the role I am most proud of.

I feel that going to the University of Southampton to complete a Masters Degree was the main turning point in my career as the degree gave me a good knowledge of Project Management, which has been vital in all my roles.

I chose my course because at that time I was working on a huge drainage project and this course gave me a good insight in management of such projects. I hope to become the Project Manager on other large scale projects in the future.

I am in touch with a few of my class fellows and a couple of friends from those Southampton days, and have returned to campus since I left the University.

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