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The University of Southampton
Archaeologies of Media and Technology Research group

Andrew Carnie - Ectopia and Cultivamos Cultura

Published: 17 June 2016
A Tender Heart 2013 Image
A Tender Heart 2013 Image courtesy of Andrew Carnie and GV Art London

WSA's Andrew Carnie is in Lisbon, Portugal, with a joint residency at Ectopia - an Experimental Art Laboratory in Lisbon - and then at Cultivamos Cultura, a platform for experimentation and development of shared knowledge in the theory and practice of science, technology and contemporary art.

He is due to make work around the areas of interest of Dr Luis Graca, of the The Cellular Immunology Lab, Instituto de Medicina Molecular, University of Lisbon Medical School, on the topic of immunology, with particular reference to the Heart, Heart transplant, rejection, and to the work he is undertaking for Hybrid Bodies project that he is part of which is taking place with Toronto General Hospital Research team in Toronto, Canada.

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