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The University of Southampton
Archaeologies of Media and Technology Research group

Lia Carreira

Lia Carreira

Lia Carreira (1985, Brazil) researches and develops methods and strategies in experimental curatorial practices. As a Phd candidate of the Winchester School of Art, Lia develops research on past and current practices of laboratorization and experimentation in Art and Technology, with a focus on the current wave of Curatorial Labs in the field. She is interested in mapping and analysing the formats currently implemented, as to understand what roles the lab and experimentation play and interplay with the roles ascribed to the exhibition space, to curators and to the curatorial. Moreover, her research addresses how the exhibition space has perform as a lab and, most importantly, how can it become a space for curatorial research and experiments.

Lia has a Bachelor in Media Studies (UFES/Brazil), a first Master in Media Technologies and Aesthetic (UFRJ/Brazil) and a second Master in Media Arts Cultures (Danube University Krems, Aalborg University and the City University of Hong Kong). Previously, she has worked as a researcher for the Zentrum für Kunst und Medien (ZKM) in Germany and as a curator at SOMAR, an independent Sound Art and Technology space in Lisbon, Portugal. She is currently a member of the communal group Oberro, which sets to rethink and experiment on novel forms of art and exhibition-making, and a contributing member of the Palais des Beaux Arts Wien, an offline virtual exhibition space in Vienna, Austria.

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