Books and Book Chapters
Books and Book Chapters written or edited by members of the group.
AMT members have links to existing publishing ventures.
Jussi Parikka is the founding co-editor of the book series Recursions : Theories of Media, Materiality and Cultural Techniques (Amsterdam University Press).
John Armitage, Ryan Bishop and Joanne Roberts' edit Technicities (Edinburgh University Press) which is a new series focusing on the latest philosophical thinking about our increasingly immaterial technocultural conditions, with a unique focus on the context of art, design and media.
Armitage and Bishop also edit or serve on the editorial boards of the journals Cultural Politics , Theory, Culture & Society , and The Journal of Visual Culture.
The group publishes high quality academic outputs relevant to the fields of media, science and technology studies in artistic, experimental and critical context. It also organises events both at WSA and outside the university, engages in public debate on issues relevant to its core area as well as develops grant applications for new projects.
Books and Book Chapters written or edited by members of the group.
Articles published by members of the group.
Selected Keynotes and invited talks delivered by members of the group.
Installations, Exhibitions, Performances and other Design and Art Works from members of the group.
Some key publications include:
Bishop, Ryan, co-edited with John Beck ( 2016, forthcoming ) Cold War Legacies: Systems, Theory, Aesthetics Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, Technicities series.
Parikka, Jussi ( 2015 ) A Geology of Media . Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, Electronic Mediations-series.
Parikka, Jussi and Feigelfeld, Paul ( 2015 , eds) Friedrich Kittler e-special issue , Theory, Culture & Society (eds. Jussi Parikka & Paul Feigelfeld).
Armitage, John and Bishop, Ryan, eds. ( 2013 ) Virilio and Visual Culture. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Bishop, Ryan ( 2013 ) American Film Comedy as Cultural Critique, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Parikka, Jussi ( 2013 ) editor, with introduction, of: Wolfgang Ernst: Digital Memory and the Archive . Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Electronic Mediations-series.
Parikka, Jussi ( 2012 ) What is Media Archaeology? Cambridge: Polity. Parikka, Jussi & Huhtamo, Erkki, eds. (2011) Media Archaeology: Approaches, Applications and Implications . Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.
Bishop, Ryan and Phillips, John ( 2010 ) Modernist Avant-Garde Aesthetics and Contemporary Military Technology: Technicities of Perception. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
A more detailed list of publications can be accessed using the links in the menu above.