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The University of Southampton
Archaeology Part of Humanities

Maritime Archaeology Graduate Symposium (MAGS 2019) Event

29 - 31 March 2019
Building 65, Lecture Theatre B Faculty of Arts and Humanities University of Southampton Avenue Campus Highfield Road Southampton SO17 1BF

For more information regarding this event, please email Maria Michael, Naseem Raad, Ziad Morsy at .

Event details

This three-day symposium will feature talks on maritime archaeology of the eastern Mediterranean, as this is the region in which Honor Frost, a pioneer in the field, primarily worked.

With the generous funding from The Honor Frost Foundation, graduate students in maritime archaeology at the University of Southampton and the University of Oxford have come together to organise the MAGS2019 conference in its second year.

The first day will be dedicated to registration, introduction and a wine reception. The second day will be dedicated to research related to maritime archaeology in the eastern Mediterranean. The following day will be open for general discussions of methodological advances and legislative issues in maritime archaeology.

We hope this symposium will encourage early career researchers and current graduate students in maritime archaeology to share their research, exchange ideas, and meet like-minded scholars in their field.


Day 1:  17:00-19:00   Registration and wine reception
Day 2:  09:00-18:00   Eastern Mediterranean maritime archaeology
Day 3:  09:00-18:00   Methodological advances, new techniques, and legislative issues in maritime archaeology

Call for Papers

As the field of maritime archaeology continues to mature into a multifaceted sub-discipline, advances and developments are occurring at a rapid pace. The Maritime Archaeology Graduate Symposium (MAGS) will allow the next generation of scholars in the field to gather in Southampton to share their research, engage with like-minded individuals, and foster interdisciplinary cooperation. From masters’ students to post-doctoral academics, we encourage all early career researchers of maritime archaeology and related sub-disciplines to attend, either as audience members or presenters of papers.

This three-day symposium will feature talks on maritime archaeology of the eastern Mediterranean, as this is the region in which Honor Frost, a pioneer in the field, primarily worked. In addition, researchers focused on subjects beyond the eastern Mediterranean are encouraged to present any work related to general methodological advances or legislative issues in maritime archaeology on Day 3.

Travel bursaries will be provided for those who wish to attend or present thanks to the generous support of the Honor Frost Foundation. For further information and updates regarding the bursary scheme or the conference in general, please refer to the MAGS 2019 official website and Facebook page. Please send abstracts to the email provided below. Abstract submissions should consist of 250 words with the applicant’s name, abstract title and intended day of presentation.

We are extending our call for abstracts to 15 January.

Kind regards and Happy New Year from the MAGS 2019 committee!

Bursary Opportunity

The Honor Frost Foundation is offering the opportunity for postgraduate students from the eastern Mediterranean region to apply for support in the form of bursaries to present in the 2nd Maritime Archaeology Graduate Symposium, being held in Southampton 29 – 31 March 2019. The scholarships will cover the costs of transportation, accommodation, and visas (if required).

  • Eligible applicants must come from the region of the eastern Mediterranean.
  • Applicants must be at Master or PhD level, in progress or recently awarded.
  • Only presenters at MAGS 2019 will be considered.
  • Application must include a short CV.
  • Applicants must submit a financial report including the expenses of flight tickets and accommodation. If a visa is required by the applicant, this must be included in the financial report.
  • Applicants’ CV and financial report must be a pdf file saved as LASTNAME_Bursary2019.pdf

Application must be sent to the conference email: before the 15 January 2019 .


The Honor Frost Foundation
Oxford Centre for Maritime Archaeology (OCMA)

Honor Frost Foundation
Oxford Centre for Maritime Archaeology
Centre for Maritime Archaeology
Centre for Maritime Archaeology
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