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General family papers, printed matter and records of members of the family, 1764-1935, including: scrapbooks, one containing documents described in 'Records of the Franklin family', 1764- 1935; newspaper accounts of a case at Bow Street magistrates court involving Hugh A.Franklin; pedigree of Ellis Franklin, 1935; and correspondence. Printed material including prayer books and other religious works, orders of service; a volume of poetry composed by Sydney Samuel on the silver wedding of Adelaide and Ellis Franklin, 9 Jul 1881; two copies of Letters and statements addressed by B.A.Franklin to the signators of the recommendation of his appointment as 'administrator general of unrepresented estates' in Jamaica (1873); newspapers, 1793-1828.
Papers of Abraham Franklin (1784-1854): documents containing prayers, blessings, biblical extracts, psalms, with a record of family births, marriages and deaths.
Papers of Jacob Abraham Franklin (1809-77): copies of the Voice of Jacob , 1841-2, 1846-7; scrapbook containing articles by Jacob Franklin, 1853-60 and miscellanea relating to Anglo-Jewish matters, 1840-76.
Further correspondence for J.A.Franklin, as editor of the Voice of Jacob , is in the archives of the Jewish Chronicle , MS 225.
Papers of Benjamin Abraham Franklin (1811-88): diaries, from Jamaica, Manchester, Southampton, Baltimore and Boston, 1836-59; papers relating to his military career, his appointment as Danish consul at Jamaica and JP for Kingston, together with correspondence with his family and about his monument at Annotto Bay, 1840-1926; The Bazar Gazette , 1868, and newspaper cuttings, 1926, quoting extracts from one of Franklin's diaries.
Papers of Ellis Abraham Franklin (1822-1909): 'Sundry compositions', 1834-88; two manuscript volumes of poems by Franklin, c.1842; letters from the editor of the Manchester Grammar School magazine about Franklin's schooldays, and a copy of the magazine, 1892; diaries, 1843 and 1901; passenger lists, 1879; list of presents given to Franklin on his seventieth birthday, 1902; correspondence concerning Franklin's coat of arms, 1904; letters of condolence on Franklin's death and obituary notices, 1909; and a volume containing information about Franklin's estate.
Date range:
Former references:
AJ 5 and AJ 25
5 boxes and 1 volume
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