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Malcolm Weisman
Malcolm Weisman is visiting minister to the smaller Jewish provincial communities, chaplain to several universities, including Oxford, and chaplain to the armed forces and to the prison service.
About the collection
Correspondence and papers relating to Weisman's professional interests, c. 1963-74, including files for the Anglo-Jewish Association, 1964-73; Anglo-Jewish Ex-Servicemen and Women (AJEX), 1965-73; Anglo-Jewish Youth, 1963-9; B'nai B'rith, 1963-9; the Chief Rabbi's Office, 1963-9; the Jewish Marriage Education Council, 1966-8, 1971-3; for Jewish patients in hospitals, 1967-73; the Jewish Welfare Board, c.1971-3; Jews' College, 1966-9; the Lubavitch community centre, 1968; correspondence from officials, 1964-8; and papers for the Reform Synagogues of Great Britain, 1969.
Correspondence relating to the RAF and the services, 1963-73; correspondence relating to prisons, 1963-73.
Correspondence about university chaplaincies, 1968-73; chaplaincy circulars, Hillel correspondence and circulars, 1970-3.
Correspondence with circulars and magazines produced by small communities, 1969-74; files of correspondence relating to communities including Barrow-in-Furness, Bedford, Chatham, Exeter, Guildford, Hereford, Jersey, Peterborough, Slough, Tunbridge Wells and York, c.1963-9.
Date range:
Former references:
AJ 219
12 boxes
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