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The 'Jewish regiment' (38th/42nd Royal Fusiliers) was formed during World War I. The collection includes articles relating to the regiment, 1916-44, some covering technical aspects, e.g. Hebrew words of command. Reports of the Jewish regiment committee, 1917-21; statement of receipts of payment of the Jewish regiment committee, 1917-20; programmes for performances by supporters of the regiment in aid of the 'comforts fund' and in aid of the Distressed Polish Jews Fund, 1915-18; balance sheet for concerts at the Hackney Empire, 1918, and for the motor ambulance fund, 1918. Correspondence and telegrams relating to the formation of the regiment, 1917-18: correspondents include Lord Rothschild, Leopold Frank, Lord Rosebery, Rose Hertz, E.M.Adler and A.J.Rosenberg.
Date range:
Former references:
AJ 320
2 boxes
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