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The University of Southampton
Special Collections

MS 217 Small Jewish collections

Small collections of Jewish interest:

MS 217/1 31 black and white photographs of the liberated concentration camps, including Bergen-Belsen, n.d. c.1945

MS 217/2 circular, postmarked 8 October 1946, from Barnett Janner, MP, chairman of the Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland, and Rebecca Sieff, president of the Federation of Women Zionists, to A Lowi reminding him that 23 October is voting day for delegates to the forthcoming World Zionist Congress, urging him to vote for list number 1, the Zionist Federation list, and emphasising the importance of principle above party, 1946

MS 217/3 brochure of The Bernhard Baron St George's Jewish settlement fiftieth anniversary review , 1914-64, 1964

MS 217/4 lists of Jewish soliders in the German army in World War I: includes issues of Judische Volkszeitung (Breslau)m 1914; Adressenliste des K.J.V of Jewish soldiers in German service, Feb 1918; copies of Der RJF Schild: Zeitshrift des Reichbundes judischer Frontsoldaten , with lists of Jewish soldiers killed while serving in the German army during World War I, 1928-9

MS 217/5 photographs of Southampton synagogue and Jewish cemetery, 1990s

MS 217/6 order of proceedings and speeches of the oratore, Latin and English versions, at the presentation of the recipients of honorary degrees, University of Cambridge, including Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, 10 June 1993

MS 217/7 correspondence, 1844-1982, including a letter from James Richardson to [Jacob A.Franklin], editor of the Voice of Jacob, 8 April 1844; 7 letters from Revd Charles Voysey to Jacob A.Franklin, October 1873; a letter from Chief Rabbi Hermann Adler to Dr L.W.Barnett on the Jewish Literary Union, 6 May 1909; a letter from Redcliffe A.Salaman to Mr Fergusson, 3 September 1912; notes on social ethics, from Jewish sources; photographs of Jewish servicemen and others at Knockaloe Camp, 1915; photographs of the Bergtheil family grave at Pietermartizburg, ante 1939

MS 217/8 papers relating to disused Jewish cemeteries, including a letter from Simon Halford to John Emmanuel informing him that the Hyam family are buried at Ipswich and the De Pass family at Yarmouth, 10 May 1893; correspondence between the Colonial Office and the Board of Deputies, relating to W.S.Samuel's research into the Jewish cemeteries of the West Indies, particularly relating to St Kitts-Nevis, together with a photograph, plan and map of Nevis Cemetery, Leeward Islands, 1928-37; report on the title to Penzance burial grounds and funds for its maintenance, 1929

MS 217/9 correspondence, 1897-1906; tombstone inscriptions for members of the family of Dayan Jacob Reinowitz and Dayan Susman Cohen

MS 217/10 copy of a conveyance of Penzance Jewish cemetery, 29 September 1844

MS 217/11 typescript of an article 'All over by Christmas' by Harold Pollins, 11 November 1994

MS 217/12 copies of documents relating to Penzance Hebrew Congregation, 1808-92, including revised regulations, 1844, a minute book, 1864-92, circumcision register, 1821-47, transcript of deeds, 1744-1880

MS 217/13 postcards from Dr [Maurice ?] Ettinghausen, who was interned in Spandau, Germany, to Mrs Maurice Ettinghausen, c.1915-16

MS 217/14 Kisharon brochure, 1995

MS 217/15 letter from Peter Falk to Mrs Tatton Brown, discussing reports of German atrocities, 6 January 1943

MS 217/16 The book of daily prayers for every day in the year according to the custom of the German and Polish Jews edited by Isaac Leeser, in Hebrew and English, with manuscript notes at the front and back of the book recording births and deaths of the Joel family; birthday card, 1879

MS 217/17 'Some notes on Sabbath services on the occasion of the barmitzvah of Udi Tischler', 18 November 1995

MS 217/18 copy of a transliteration, translation and transcription of a marriage register of the Western Synagogue, London, by Bernard Susser, with an index of fathers of brides and grooms, of place names and occupations and English forenames and surnames

MS 217/19 part of a letter from Lazarus Griver describing disturbances in Jerusalem, 23 September 1929

MS 217/20 a small collection of Jewish papers, encompassing correspondence, literary work, newspaper cuttings and general paeprs, c.1843-1975, with correspondence between Oswald John Simon and Mrs E.A.Finn, 1895, and copies of correspondence of Mr and Mrs S.Cohen, 1843-51; typescripts of writings and short stories by Hilda Brighten, together with correspondence with the BBC, 1975

MS 217/21 Klug papers: black and white photograph of some of the delegates, including Harold and Brian Klug and Otto and Fritzi Frank, to the Youth and Human Rights Conference, organised by the Anne Frank Foundation, Unesco and the World University Service, July 1968. Colour photographs of the Klugs with members of the Frank family, 1968, and colour photograph of 'Children to children' event organised by the Anne Frank Educational Trust, 14 June 1993

MS 217/22 working papers on Jewish history: including letters to the editor of the Voice of Jacob , 1844-5, with transcripts, c.1940; 'Historical account of the first settlement of Jews in Savannah, Georgia' with later transcription; The Gibraltar almanack, 1845; correspondence of Wilfred Samuel, Joseph and Eric Nabarro and Albert Montefiore Hyamson, 1947-8; letter from Joseph Nabarro from W.S.Jessop, 1948, sending transcripts of two letters on behalf of William IV and Queen Adelaide to Joseph Joseph of Plymouth

MS 217/23 papers of R.Epstein, 1956-9, including correspondence and financial papers

MS 217/24 postcards and slides of Prague, including the monument at Pinkas Synagogue, the Castle, the old Jewish cemetery, c.1966

MS 217/25 papers relating to Jewish refugees, 1944-53, including the agreement made between the Federal Republic of Germany and the State of Israel, with protocols one and two, 1952, and publications on refugees and the problems of statelessness

MS 217/26 copies of papers relating to the Manchester Jewish community, with papers of the Manchester Council of Soviet Jewry, 1980-96; copy of a chapter of Bill Williams' biography of Sidney Hamburger, relating to Hillel House, together with copies of minutes, correspondence, plans of the Manchester New Hillel Building Committee of which Sidney Hamburger was chairman, and notes on the history of Hillel House, 1977-81

MS 217/27 correspondence of Professor Sidney Smith (1889-1979), Professor of Near Eastern Archaeology, University of London, 1938-46: three letters, 1948, relating to a typescript by Aage Bentzen and C.R.North's The suffering servant in Deutero-Isiah: an historical and critical study (London, 1948), 1948

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