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Stott family of Hertfordshire
Papers of Cecil and Joan Stott, of Letchmore Heath, Hertfordshire, who assisted Jewish refugees during the Second World War, including Sigmund Adler (brother of the psychologist, Alfred Adler) and his sons, Kurt and Ernst, from Vienna.
About the collection
Correspondence with refugee committees, including the German Jewish Aid Committee, the Germany Emergency Committee and with individual refugees, about supporting them in the UK; letters about the Adler family, along with letters from the Adler family, and about other refugees, 1938-45; correspondence with Victor Gollancz and Professor A.V.Hill.
Papers relating to the internment in the UK including `Some observations after four weeks' internment' at Onchan Internment Camp, Isle of Man
Photographs of refugees and families, 1938-83
Pamphlets and publications on refugees
Date range:
Former references:
3 boxes
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