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Raphael Walden
Professor Raphael Walden was born in France to Josef and Rina Walden, both of whom were of Polish background. The family migrated to Israel in 1951. Walden educated at the Hebrew University Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem, Israel, and became a Professor at Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University. As well as his work with the CCJO, Walden is a leader of the NGO known as Physicians for Human Rights-Israel (PHR-I). Walden is Deputy Director of the Sheba Medical Center. He is President of the International Federation of Medical Students Associations (I.F.M.S.A.) and medical consultant to the government of Singapore. He is married to Tsvia Peres.
Consultative Council of Jewish Organisations
The Consultative Council of Jewish Organisations (CCJO) was established as a NGO at the United Nations in 1946 to encourage the recognition of human rights and to ensure the input of the Jewish ethical tradition in the development of international human rights law.
As an NGO with special consultative status at the United Nations (as well as at UNESCO), the CCJO participates in human rights meetings, including the Commission on Human Rights and the Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights.
About the collection
The collection includes: papers and publications produced by the United Nations, 1996-2004, as well as material from other European organisations including the Council of Europe, the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance and the European Parliament. The collection has a large section of material concerning the World Conference against Racism and Xenophobia (WCAR) held in Durban, South Africa, Aug-Sep 2001, including concerning the involvement of the NGO Forum and the CCJO.
Papers and Walden’s related correspondence from other conferences, meetings and lectures about or organised by the United Nations and several Jewish organisations, as well those concerning human rights, international law and racism. There are papers relating to the publication of books on behalf of the CCJO, 2000-3, including Walden’s correspondence with author of articles and publishers and proofs.
Correspondence with and papers concerning Clemens Nathan, George Wilkes and the CCJO, 1997-2003.
The collection also contains printed and published material. This includes: articles and papers, including newspaper cuttings, papers covering issues such as racism, Judaism and human rights, 1980-2003. Publications and printed material from the CCJO, relating to racism and religious discrimination, anti-Semitism, asylum, immigration and refugees, the Middle East, human rights and law, 1972-2004 and journals and newsletters, on topics including Jewish issues, law, human rights, 1994-2003.
Papers from the United Nations, 1996-2004, and from other organisations including Amnesty International; the Centre for reproductive rights, 2003; and various other legal and human rights organisations, 1995-2003.
Papers relating to international conferences and meetings on anti-Semitism, 2004-5; human rights, 2003-5; the international criminal law network, Israel and terrorism, 2003-5.
There are papers relating to the publication of books by Walden on behalf of the CCJO, 2004 and 2007; and CCJO administration and correspondence mostly concerning conference, lectures and financial papers, 2000-6; and correspondence and papers of Raphael Walden, including correspondence with Kluwer Law International Publishers, Alan Stephens and members of the CCJO and International Bar Association, 2004-6.
Date range:
Former references:
A2056, A3062
34 boxes and 1 file
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