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Lawrence Arthur Burgess
Lawrence Arthur Burgess attended the London School of Librarianship, 1923-5. From thence he moved to the Cardiff Public Libraries, where he worked until 1934, when he took up the post of Deputy Librarian of Southampton Public Libraries which post he held until his retirement. Burgess was an examiner for the Library Association and for University College, London.
About the collection
Typescript notes, articles and papers relating to local history 1930s-71, including material relating to The Southampton terrier of 1454 ed. L.A.Burgess with an introduction by L.A.Burgess, P.D.A.Harvey and A.D.Saunders (Southampton Record Series 15; 1976); writings and poetry, 1920s-60s; family correspondence and papers, 1915-72; correspondence with friends, 1929-68; correspondence and papers relating to his career, 1927-71; papers relating to Burgess' service as an air raid warden during World War II; photograph albums, loose photographs and an album of postcards.
Date range:
Former references:
22 boxes
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