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The University of Southampton
Autonomous Systems

Membership list

Name Role Faculty/Organisation Research area
Dr Rafi Ajaj Lecturer in Aerospace Structures Engineering and the Environment morphing wings
Dr Craig Allison Post-doctoral fellow Transportation Research Group,Engineering and the environment Environment, greenhouse gas/ pollution reduction and eco-driving
Martin Arundell senior research fellow FNES microfluidics
David Baxter Associate professor of innovation Faculty of Business, Law and Art the innovation process, customer insight methods, and knowledge and learning in innovation.
Alex Beaton Research Technologist Ocean and Earth Science development and deployment of in situ nutrient analysers. Development of in situ sensors for all aquatic environments. Microfluidics.
Zoltan Beck PhD Student Electronics and Computer Science
Dr Sally Bennett New Frontiers Fellow FEE Autonomous Maritime Platforms – surface and submerged
Catherine Beswick Editor-in-Residence Ocean and Earth Science Interested in all marine & maritime activity from across the University of Southampton
Pier Biagiolini Undergraduate student of Ship Science Engineering and the Environment sensors on Underwater Remotely Operated Vehicles, for education/automation and safety applied to ships
Jaygo Bloom Senior Research Fellow Business, Law and Art Digital Media Interaction and Realtime Graphical Processes
Karen Boswarva PhD student, NEXUSS Scottish Association for Marine Science Testing the effectivness of AUVs for mapping and monitoring the seabed within Marine Protected Areas
Josh Bowen KTP Associate and Electronic Research Engineer Southampton Solent University
Mantas Brazinska Research student in the CED research group Engineering and the Environment rotary wing research
Dr Mario Brito Risk and Reliability Management Faculty of Business Law and Art

risk and reliability

Mal Bruce Engineering Training Specialist Pilotwise
Professor Michael Butler Associate Dean Electronics and Computer Science formal methods
(Tony) Yu Cao PhD Student Fluid Structure Interactions application of renewable and hybrid energy system on marine vehicles
Professor Paul Carling Emeritus Professor Geography and the Environment
Shaofei Chen PhD Student Electronics and Computer Science
Walton Coutinho Research student Mathematical Sciences
Evelyn Pina Covrrubias PhD Research student Centre for Biological Sciences
Chris Crispin Research student in the CED research group Engineering and the Environment high altitude UAV research
Stephen Darby Head of academic unit (physical geography) Social, Human & Mathematical sciences morphodynamics of large monsoon affected rivers
Dr Justin Dix Senior Lecturer in Marine Geophysics and Geoarchaeology National Oceanography Centre coastal applications of UAVs
C. Patrick Doncaster Reader in Population  Ecology Centre for Biological Sciences
Carolina Dopico-Gonzalez KTP partnership with Law School ASV - unmanned marine systems advanced surface vehicles risk and reliability management
Dr Jon Downes Lecturer in Ship Science & maritime engineering FEE
Mehmet Erbil Research student in the CED research group Engineering and the Environment rotary wing research
Graeme Earl Professor of Digital Humanities, Deputy Director, Web Science Institute Humanities (Archaeology) development and implementation of digital data capture techniques and multimedia resources for archaeology, including the uses of computer graphics and virtual reality
Christian Enemark Professor of International Relations, Faculty of Social Human and Mathematical Sciences Military ethics, ethics of autonomous weapon systems
Robert Entwistle Postgraduate research student Computational Modelling Group (FEE) Optimising the choice of UAVs based on the specific mission
Alexander Eriksson PhD candidate, Human Factors of Automated Vehicles Transportation Research Group, FEE Research into human automation interaction, development of algorithms for simulated automated driving, development of human machine interface concepts for automated driving.
Kamran Esmaeili PhD Candidate NcATS (FEE) Condition monitoring of wind turbine using sensors, utilising big data and artificial intelligence techniques
Xu Fang Lecturer Optoelectronics (FPSE) Developing novel optoelectronic devices such as high-sensitivity sensors and optical computation chips
Mario Ferraro Research student in the CED research group, UAV designer Engineering and the Environment 2seas maritime UAV.
Hector Figueiredo Head of UAS Technologies QinetiQ Defense and Space
Professor Joerg Fliege Professor of Mathematics Social, Human & Mathematical Sciences computational optimisation
Eleanor Frajka-Williams Associate Professor in Physical Oceanography FNES using high altitude gas balloons as a means of delivering oceanographic instrument packages to remote locations on the surface of the ocean
Dr Maaten Furlong AUV design and development, hydrodynamics, AUV mission analysis National Oceanography Centre MARS facility
Alberto Naveira Garabato Reader in Physical Oceanography Ocean and Earth Science Physical Oceanography
Francesco Giorgio-Serchi Lloyd's Register Sponsored Research Fellow Southampton Marine and Maritime Institute underwater robotics, fluid structure interaction
Dr Nair Gopalkrishnan Visiting Professor Engineering and the Environment National Institute of Adavnced Studies
Susan Gourvenec

Professor of Offshore Geotechnical Engineering

FEE Seabed characterisation, facility design and decommissioning
Yangzi Guo Postgraduate Research Student Engineering and the Environment directional antennae for UAVs
Catherine Harris Postdoctoral Research Assistant Ocean and Earth Science Marine Autonomous Robotic Systems (MARS) Group
Jane Hart Professor of Physical Geography Social, Human and Mathematical Sciences glaciers and climate change
Johanna Hjalmarsson Associate Professor in Maritime and Commercial Law Faculty of Business Law and Art Marine insurance, carriage of goods by sea, enforcement of maritime claims, law of the sea
Catherine Hollyhead Postgraduate research student (EngD) FEE autonomous marine sensors
Alex Horlock Graduate Engineer Tekever aviation and aerospace

Ganiyu Ibraheem

MSc. Artificial Intelligence Faculty of Physical Sciences & Engineering Computer Vision, Machine Learning & Applications of Reinforcement Learning to Robotics
Daniel Joyce PhD Student Humanities archaeology
Prof Andy Keane Professor of Computational Engineering Engineering and the Environment UAV propulsion research
Dr Philip King Research Fellow Engineering and the Environment lightweight UAV avionics
Dina Shona Laila Lecturer in Electromechanical Engineering FEE
Dr Eli Lazarus Lecturer in Geomorphology FSHMS using active sensors to study dynamics in sediment transport
Dr Julian Leyland Lecturer in physical geography Social, Human and Mathematical Sciences morphological change/ecological habitat
Aleksander Lidtke MEng Aeronautics and Astronautics: Spacecraft Engineering FEE
Chang Liu PhD student FEE GPS denied environments
Andrew Lock Enterprise Fellow Engineering and the Environment Oceanography and Polar Science through Agile Robotic Systems, Antarctic flight trials of 3D laser printed aircraft
Alvaro Lorenzo MARS facility NOC glider engineer/software engineer
Roberto Lot Professor of automotive engineering Engineering and the Environment
Rachel Marlow NOC AUV software engineer
Kirk Martinez Professor FPSE, Electronics and Computer Science Environmental sensing
Dr Will McNeill Lecturer Faculty of Arts & Humanities; philosophy Philosophy of artificial intelligence, artificial recognition engines and autonomous systems
Dr Jesus Mediavilla Varas lead specialist in strategic research Lloyd's Register, SMMI UAVs in defence/liability in accidents involving unmanned maritime vehicles.
Jackie Milne Interdisciplinary Research Collaboration Manager Research and Innovation Services
Colin Mitchell Research Fellow Optoelectronics Research Centre, FPSE photonic systems, circuits and sensors
Professor Hywel Morgan Head of nano research group, ECS FPSE marine remote sensing
Professor Matt Mowlem Head of ocean technology and engineering National Oceanography Centre marine remote sensing
Mohammed Nawabuddin Undergraduate student Engineering and the Environment UAV design and research. Swarm robotics, multi-agent intelligent systems. ML and CV approaches
Dr Adrian Nightingale Research fellow FEE Developing chemical sensors based on microfluidic systems
Professor Timothy J Norman Professor of Computer Science FPSE Artificial intelligence, logic and automated reasoning.
Aaron Page Student electrical manufacturing
Justin Paul Technical Consultant/Mechanical Engineer QinetiQ Mechanical or Industrial Engineering
Chris Paulson PhD Student Engineering and the Environment rapid prototyped UAVs
Dr Alex Philips New Frontiers Fellow Engineering and the Environment marine autonomy
Dr Stephen Prior Reader in Unmanned Air Vehicles Engineering and the Environment rotary wing research
Evangelos Papageorgiou Research Fellow Engineering and the Environment concept design of UAVs
Dr Katie Plant New Frontiers research fellow Engineering and the Environment, Transportation research group Human Factors knowledge in safety-critical systems/understanding how the interaction of the environment we work in and the mental schema that we hold influence actions & decision making.
Luca Possenti PhD student, NEXUSS University of East Anglia Autonomous carbon system observations from gliders
Dr Simon Quinn Deputy Director of Research Institute for Industry Engineering and the Environment
Gopal Ramchurn Lecturer FPSE Agents interactions and complexity
Alan Ramirez-Gilliland UG enrolled on MEng Aeronautics and Astronautics: Spacecraft Engineering Transportation Research Group, FEE Human Factors Engineering
Regina Rauxloh Associate Professor Faculty of Business, Law and Art Criminal Justice, Precision-Strike Capabilities and International Intervention
Dr Stuart Reid Chief Technical Officer STA Consulting Chair of ISO study group in Autonomous Systems
Dr Gareth Roberts Lecturer in Remote Sensing Geography and Environment monitoring/quantifying land surface dynamics/improving understanding of and utilisation of satellite data re fire in the natural environment
Ashley Rogers Electronics and computer science Monitoring scour on bridge supports in rivers with AS platforms and sensors
Prof Eric Rogers Academic staff in Vision, Learning and Control Electronics and Computer Science control of UAVs
Libby Rowland PhD student, Biological Sciences FNES Sustainable farming - better crop irrigation scheduling using remote thermal imaging mounted on UAVs
Prof Jim Scanlan Professor of Design FEE Structronics
Ryan Scott PhD student, NEXUSS British Antarctic Survey Investigating whether underwater gliders can be used to quantify horizontal mixing in the west Antarctic
Dr Andras Sobester Senior lecturer, aeronautical engineering FEE MAVIS epsrc project
Daniel Spencer Lecturer in Nano Electronics and Computer Science Microelectronic and lab-on-a-chip systems for medical and healthcare applications
Meric Srokosz Professor of physical oceanography NOC remote sensing of the oceans
Warren Stanley Senior Research fellow University of Hertfordshire developing atmospheric particle sensing instruments via an optical light scattering method for use on UAVs
Neville Stanton Professor of human factors in transport FEE Improving and optimising human performance in systems, especially around new technology and automation; accident analysis to recommend future preventions
Fraser Sturt Associate Professor and deputy director of programmes Humanities Maritime archaeology
Dr Esther Sunmner lecturer in sedimentology Ocean and Earth Sciences, NOC sedimentology/submarine gravity currents
Amrith Surendra Postgraduate Research Student Engineering and the Environment VDD (RR) sponsored research
Danesh Tarapore Lecturer Agents, Interaction and Complexity Research Group, Electronics and Computer Science, FPSE Development of algorithms that allow robots to rapidly adapt to damages sustained, and unforeseen changes in their environment.
Gail Taylor Director of research FNES Autonomous systems in plant environmental biology
Luke Teacy Research staff in Agents, Interaction and Complexity Electronics and Computer Science agents and control of UAVs
Prof. Damon Teagle Director of research NOC Ocean and Earth Science sensing
Long Tran-Thanh Senior Research Fellow Electronics and Computer Science
Dr Glyn Thomas Lecturer Engineering and the Environment
Dr Blair Thornton Associate Professor Engineering and the Environment underwater robotics and sensing
Dr Nick Townsend Research Fellow Engineering and the Environment maritime motion control
Dr Henry Ngoc Cuong Truong Research Fellow Physical Sciences and Engineering Agent Interaction and Complexity
Prof Stephen Turnock Professor of Marine Fluid Dynamics FEE maritime autonomy
Ioannis Valiakos PhD Researcher / Research Assistant Harvard Sussex Program, Law (LPS School, University of Sussex) the interplay between the laws of war and autonomous weapons systems, with a particular interest on questions of accountability
Ronald Van Djik CEO SeaDrone Development of an aquatic drone
Robert Veal Senior research assistant Faculty of Business, Law and Art liability and AUVs
Dr Scott Walker Lecturer Engineering and the Environment space systems
Ben Waterson Lecturer in transportation FEE Human factors in the design of traffic managements systems
Dr Stephen Wakeling Coordinator Sustainable Infrastructure CDT
Gabriel Weymouth Marine and maritime lecturer FEE
David White Head of Gliders, MARS NOC AUVs and gliders
David White Professor of Infrastructure Geotechnics FEE seabed characterisation, facility design and decommissioning
Dr Toby Wilkinson Research Fellow Electronics and Computer Science
Dr Fiona Woollard Associate Professor Humanities, Philosophy Ethical and philosophical issues surrounding autonomous systems
Mark Wootten Independent Consultant Marootty Ltd
Dr Russell Wynn Marine geology and ecology National Oceanography Centre science user of AUVs
Rahul Yadav Masters student inTelecommunications Engineering University of Jaen, Spain Applications of electronics and communication to design in avionics
Klaus-Peter Zauner Lecturer Faculty of Physical Science and Engineering, electronics and computer science microfluidics and remote sensing
Jie Zhang Lecturer Faculty of Physical Science and Engineering, electronics and computer science Multi-agent systems, resource allocation, fair division, algorithmic game theory, mechanism design

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