The role of the University of Southampton Animal Welfare and Ethical Review Body (AWERB)
Where does the AWERB sit and work within the University of Southampton?
The following flowchart provides an overview of the university's animal and ethics committees; detailing where the AWERB and its sub-committees/working groups sit within the university and who they report to.
What does the AWERB do?
An AWERB is a governance body that is required at any establishment that breeds, houses, uses and/or supplies research animals under ASPA (outlined in the Guidance on the Operation of the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986. (Section 3.13.6)).
The AWERB oversees the review of all animals used for research and teaching purposes, regardless of which law it is legislated by and which country it is carried out in.
The AWERB helps to ensure that any research or teaching that uses animals is carefully considered and justified, a proper account is taken of all possibilities for the 3Rs (Replacement, Reduction nad Refinement) and appropriate standards of accommodation and care for animals are met.
The AWERB promotes a culture of care within the establisment and where appropriate the wider community.
The AWERBs tasks
There are two types of animal research conducted at the University of Southampton:
Research that my cause pain, suffering, distress or lasting harm to vertebrates (mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and fishes) or cephalopods such as octopuses or squid). This is reglated by ASPA and animal use requires a Procedures Project Licence (PPL).
Research that uses vertebrates or cephalopods, but does not harm them, or that uses other invertebrates like insects or worms. This is outside the scope of ASPA by may be regulated by other legislation or guidelines. This animal use is overseen by a sub-committee of the AWERB. This sub-committee reports directly to the AWERB and the University Research Ethics Committee (UREC).
All research using animals or animal tissue has AWERB oversight, but the AWERB does not currently review projects involving invertebrates other than cephalopods.
A major activity for the AWERB is the scientific and ethical review of research proposals using animals under ASPA. The AWERB advises the Establishment Licence Holder (ELH) whether to support each project application regarding submission to the Home Office Animals in Science Regulation Unit (ASRU).
Researchers can not start any research using animals under ASPA before PPL approval is given by ASRU. Discussions are always held with the scientist applying for the project and changes may be made before the ELH supports the PPL application going to ASRU for consideration. PPL applications are rarely turned down because of these discussion between the scientists, animal technologists and vets while applications are being drafted.
The process enables the university to fully meet its legal obligations under ASPA and thus hold a licence to conduct research that falls within this act. This responsibility is delegated to the ELH whose work is supported by the AWERB. This reviewing of project proposals and any desired amendments to PPLs also helps ensure that all aspects of the 3Rs have been fully considered.
The AWERB follows the development and outcome of all projects carried out by researchers at the university.
The AWERB advises staff and students usings animals on a range of matters, including:
Acquisition of animals (where animals can be obtained from trusted sources)/
Animal handling and transportation.
Accommodation and housing.
Animal welfare, care, ethical issues and provision of appropriate training.
The AWERB reviews the management and operational reporting processes for monitoring, reporting and follow-ups in relation to the welfare, housing and use of animals under the Procedures Establishment Licence (PEL). This includes any concerns that may be raised.
How often does the AWERB meet?
The AWERB committee sits at least 4 times each academic year, though additional meetings for staff development and for working groups, including project review groups, may happen on a more frequent basis.
Who sits on the University of Southampton AWERB?
Please see the list of members on the University of Southampton AWERB below, along with members codes as featured in the redacted AWERB meeting minutes below.
The AWERB chair and deputy chair (CHAIR and DEP-CHAIR)
The Establishment Licence Holder (ELH)
The Named Veterinary Surgeon (NVS)
The Home Office Liaison and Compliance Officer (HOLC), the Named Training and Competency Officer (NTCO) and the Named Inforamtion Officer (NIO) (NTCO in meeting minutes)
One or more Named Animal Care and Welfare Officers (NACWOs)
The university's main animal breeding and housing facilities operations manager (BRF)
The chair of the Animal Users Group (AUG)
Three Procedures Project Licence holders (PPLhs)
A Cancer Sciences Unit researcher representative (CSU)
A statistician (STATS)
The university's 3Rs champions group lead (3RC)
One or more postgraduate students/Procedures Individual Licence holders (PILhs) representatives (SR)
One or more independent/external expert lay representatives/members (LR)