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The University of Southampton
British Association of Lung Research Meeting 2012

British Association for Lung Research

The central purpose of this scientific meeting is to present, discuss and evaluate the recent developments in the fields of pulmonary research, with a particular focus on the role of viral and bacterial infections of the airway and how these infections modulate the host immune system.

The BALR brings together both basic scientists and clinicians from various fields, including respiratory medicine, immunology, virology and bacteriology. It provides an excellent forum for both early career and more experienced scientists to come together to discuss and exchange ideas.

Confirmed Speakers:

Dr Mona Bafadhel (University of Leicester, UK)
Prof Hans Bisgaard (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
Prof Donna Davies (University of Southampton, UK)
Prof Stuart Elborn (Queen’s University Belfast, UK)
Dr Donna Finch (MedImmune, UK)
Prof Stephen Holgate (University of Southampton, UK)
Prof Michael Holtzman (Washington University, USA)
Dr Peter Howarth (University of Southampton, UK)
Prof Tracy Hussell (Imperial College London, UK)
Dr Gisli Jenkins (University of Nottingham, UK)
Prof Sebastian L Johnston (Imperial College London, UK)
Prof Jurgen Lohmeyer (University of Geissen, Germany)
Dr Adrian Martineau (Queen Mary, University of London, UK)
Prof Sir Andrew McMichael (University of Oxford, UK)
Dr Roddy O’Donnell (University of Cambridge, UK)
Prof Peter Openshaw (Imperial College London, UK)
Dr Robert Snelgrove (Imperial College London, UK)
Dr Tom Wilkinson (University of Southampton, UK)

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