Ms Claire Marianne King BSc, MSc, PhD, PGCE
Laboratory Technician (Education)
Claire is involved in the preparation and delivery of a range of Biological Sciences undergraduate practical courses as well as providing support for the infrastructure and equipment in the teaching laboratories.
Career history:
- 2017-2018: Teacher of Science, NQT, Hampshire, UK
- 2014-2016: Research technician at Institute of Neurology, UCL, UK
Academic qualifications:
- 2006-2017: PGCE Secondary Science Teacher, University of Southampton, UK
- 2011-2016: PhD in Neuroscience, Institute of Neurology, UCL, UK
- 2009-2011: MSc in Neuropsychopharmacology, Université Bordeaux II, France
- 2006-2009: BSc in Cell Biology and Physiology, Université Bordeaux II, France