Prof David Shepherd BSc, PhD, FRSB
Emeritus Professor

Professor David Shepherd is a Emeritus Professor within Biological Sciences at the University of Southampton.
Professor David Shepherd joined the School of Biological Sciences in January 1991 as a lecturer in developmental biology. After serving as Head of Research Division and Head of the School of Biological Sciences David left Southampton in October 2009 to become Pro-Vice Chancellor (research) and Deputy Vice Chancellor at Bangor University. David returned to Southampton as Emeritus Professor in October 2021.
Career History
2009-2022: Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Janelia Research Campus, USA
2011-2019: Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Bangor University
2010-2016: Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research), Bangor University
2009-2010: Professor, School of Biological Sciences, Bangor University
1991-2009: School of Biological Sciences, University of Southampton
1987-1991: Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, University of Cambridge
1984-1987: Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, SUNY Albany, USA
1980-1984: Demonstrator in Medical Physiology, UMIST
Qualification History
1980-1984: PhD Biochemistry. UMIST, UK
1977-1980: BSc Zoology, University of Manchester, UK