Biological Sciences have worldwide appeal
International students get a warm welcome at the School of Biological Sciences.
School staff have joined forces with the University’s International Office and Student Services teams to make sure newcomers to the UK soon feel at home in Southampton and enjoy their time with us.
Jane Breese and Dr Tom Papenbrock from Biological Sciences organise a School welcome event every year in late September. An International Student Group meets regularly throughout the year to meet new friends, socialise and talk over issues. These meetings are chaired by the students themselves and have been praised by the Students’ Union as ‘an excellent initiative’.
“We have students from all over the world studying biological sciences and we want to make sure they all enjoy living and working in Southampton. The School’s International Support Team is always here to help if they have any questions or need advice,” says Jane.
International students hail from a wide range of countries including Sweden, France, Germany, Zimbabwe, China, India and Bermuda.
“I love it here,” said second year Biomedical Sciences student Patience Brace who is originally from Ghana. “Southampton is a lovely place, the campus is green and peaceful and everyone has been so helpful to me.”
Patience is one of the School’s International Reps; in 2009-10, 17 students volunteered their services to help everyone get the most from their studies. Sporting and social activities are also organised for them through the students’ society BioSoc.
We have students from all over the world studying biological sciences and we want to make sure they all enjoy living and working in Southampton. The School’s International Support Team is always here to help if they have any questions or need advice.