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The University of Southampton
Biological Sciences

PhD Studentship: Dissecting the roles of mTOR and MEK/ERK signalling in cancer cells [CLOSED]

Published: 8 February 2011

Supervisors: Professor Chris Proud and Dr Simon Cook (BBSRC Babraham Research Institute)

Project Description:

The project concerns exploring the roles of specific signalling pathways in cancer, focusing on the interplay between the oncogenic mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) and MAP kinase (ERK) pathways. The project builds upon the expertise of the academic partners in studying the mTOR and ERK pathways, and especially their roles in regulating gene expression at the level of mRNA translation, which is thought to be important in the development and growth of tumours. It also exploits the availability of novel drugs that target these pathways, which are known to work in synergy to inhibit tumour cell proliferation. The main goal is explore how they synergise and the roles in this of specific target proteins, especially ones that control mRNA translation. The successful applicant will join an active and productive research team studying oncogenic signalling and the control of gene expression.

Requirements: The studentship is available to candidates with the equivalent of a first class or upper second class degree in a relevant discipline.

Funding: This four-year CASE studentship is fully funded, covering University tuition fees (at UK /EU level) and provides a tax-free bursary, rising annually in line with the UK Government (Research Councils) recommended rate. An additional top-up to the stipend of £2500 per year is provided by the industrial sponsor of this project, Astrazeneca. In order for the EU students to be eligible for a full studentship, they must have been a resident in the UK for at least three years prior to commencing the PhD. Other EU applicants may receive a fees only award.

Start Date: October 2011

Application Deadline: 24th February 2011

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