Beyond graduation, students organise a comprehensive careers fair
The Biological Sciences students’ society, BioSoc, joined forces with specialist advisers at Career Destinations at the University of Southampton to run a half day event highlighting job and study opportunities for graduates.
There were talks on how students can start hunting for a good job through smartening up their CV and using social media. Postgraduate programmes were covered along with opportunities to train as science teachers and potential careers in industry. The event finished with panel discussions with alumni who returned to talk about their experiences in the world of work.
Conor Butler, the BioSoc education rep for Biology and Zoology, was pleased hundreds of students seized their chance to learn more about their options: "The job market is very intense at the moment. There's great competition for jobs and so it's very important to be prepared," he says.
"I took a year out for travelling before university but now I just want to get an idea of what to do and the path to take," adds first year Stephanie Powell.
Career Destinations runs events and information sessions for students throughout the year.