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The University of Southampton
Biological Sciences

Investment in laboratory teaching in Biological Sciences

Published: 12 May 2016
Undergraduate teaching laboratory
Biological Sciences undergraduate teaching laboratory

Biological Science undergraduates are now able to use impressive new microscopes in their laboratory practicals. The University of Southampton has invested £50,000 in 32 new microscopes from leading UK supplier Jencons that have been used in practical classes from the start of 2016.

“This welcome addition to our teaching lab equipment means students across all degree programmes in Biological Sciences will benefit from using modern microscopes during their practical classes ,” explains Dr Alan Marchant .

Undergraduate teaching laboratory
Biological Sciences undergraduate teaching laboratory

“The microscopes are fitted with digital cameras so students can capture still images or videos of specimens such as nematode worms, plant tissues and animal cells, download the pictures and share them with others or use them in their practical write-ups.”

This significant investment in education will benefit first and second year students in their scheduled laboratory sessions and third years embarking on final year projects in the teaching labs in the Life Sciences building.

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