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The University of Southampton
Biological Sciences

Teaching Award for Dr Neil Gostling

Published: 8 August 2017
Dr Neil Gostling
Dr Neil Gostling

Dr Neil Gostling, Senior Teaching Fellow in Biological Sciences, has won a Faculty of Natural and Environmental Sciences Teaching Award and has been shortlisted for a Vice Chancellor’s Teaching Award. The evolutionary-developmental biologist is well-known to students for his involvement in their initial field trips.

“We take all the first years studying Biology, Zoology and Ecology to Marwell in the first few weeks of their courses,” he explains. “They have to choose 40 species from around the zoo and build an accurate phylogenetic tree linking them. It’s great fun and they learn a lot.”

Neil also helps organise the popular eight day Spanish field course module, which introduces first years to scientific field work.

He is delighted to have won the award, reflecting his high scores in student feedback, following a nomination by Dr Lex Kraaijeveld. “I’m pleased to be recognised for my contribution to the department,” he says. “Earlier, I won a Students' Union award for pastoral care, voted for by my students and I was very touched that they thought I had made a difference.”

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