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The University of Southampton
Biological Sciences

Scientific solutions for implementing the Water Framework Directive Event

Dr Iwan Jones
13:00 - 14:00
24 November 2015
University of Southampton, Highfield Campus, Building 27, Room 2001 L/R1.

For more information regarding this event, please telephone Adam Corres on 02380 595374 or email .

Event details

The European Union’s Water Framework Directive requires member states to bring all their surface waters into good ecological structure and function. Delivering this policy demands a step change in our understanding of the water environment.

Speaker information

Dr Iwan Jones ,Queen Mary, University of London, River Communities Group,Previously, water policy focussed on in-stream and point source management. Now, catchments must be managed as a whole, with the impacts of multiple stressors from diffuse and point sources identified and mitigated. In addition, the functioning of freshwaters and delivery of ecosystem services must be considered. Here I will summarise research undertaken by the River Communities Group to support government in delivering the sustainable management of freshwaters demanded by this far reaching legislation.

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