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The University of Southampton
Biological Sciences

Mechanistic insights into endosomal cargo sorting: implications for human health Event

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18 October 2017 - 18 September 2017
Life Sciences Building 85, Room 2207, Highfield Campus

For more information regarding this event, please telephone Selina Barry on 023 80 594794 or email .

Event details

Biological Sciences Invited Speaker Programme 2017-18

Abstract: The recycling of cell surface proteins within the endosomal network is a ubiquitous process that is increasingly recognized as a major regulator of cell homeostasis, signaling and also development. Historically, recycling has been regarded as a relatively passive process, where the majority of internalized transmembrane cargo are either degraded in lysosomes or brought back to the cell surface via unspecific “bulk membrane flow” as the default pathway. An abundance of recent work increasingly challenges this view as newly discovered endocytic cargo adaptors, coat complexes, regulatory mechanisms and also inter-organelle crosstalk suggest that endocytic recycling is a highly regulated, sequence and cargo specific process that adapts to cellular cues such as signaling, migratory state or energy status. Our research seeks to define those evolutionary conserved mechanisms that regulate endocytic recycling. I will discuss our latest research into the mechanics and regulation of endosomal recycling and how impaired recycling is increasingly linked to neuronal pathologies, such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson's disease.

Speaker information

Professor Pete Cullen ,University of Bristol,area of research in endosomal sorting and signaling.

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