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The University of Southampton
Biological Sciences

Chemical Biology on the Genome Event

Professor Shankar Balasubramanian
13 February 2019
Building 35, Room 1005, Highfield Campus

For more information regarding this event, please telephone Maria Hilliard on 02380 598148 or email .

Event details

The chemistry, structure and function of nucleic acids are of fundamental importance to our understanding of life.  In this lecture, I will discuss DNA secondary structures and chemical modifications along with their influence on DNA function.  DNA can adopt secondary structures other than the B-form double helix.  I will present a quadruple helix motif, called the G-quadruplex, which forms in the genome, and discuss its implications for genome function, stability, disease and therapeutics.  DNA also comprises bases other than the canonical G, C, A and T. I will discuss the recent advancement in our understanding of just how wide the (epi)genetic alphabet is in the human genome and the possibility that such modifications have functions. I will discuss the development and application of chemical approaches from our lab to detect and map such features in genomes by sequencing.

Speaker information

Professor Sir Shankar Balasubramanian,University of Cambridge

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