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The University of Southampton
Biological Sciences

Recognition and repair of DNA strand breaks Seminar

30 January 2012
Building 85 Seminar room 2207

For more information regarding this seminar, please telephone Beatrice Murphy on 023 8059 5374 or email .

Event details

Professor Laurence Pearl will present his findings on the structural basis of multi-protein complexes.

The Pearl laboratory, which has recently moved to the University of Sussex, seeks to understand the structural basis multi-protein complexes. In particular the work investigates the assembly, specificity and regulation of complexes involved in the recognition, repair and signalling of DNA damage, and in the chaperone-mediated stabilisation and activation of cellular signalling pathways. These basic studies provide the means for discovery and development of novel small-molecule inhibitors with application as drugs for the treatment of cancer and other diseases, where these systems are involved. His talk will focus on mechanisms of DNA damage and repair. His wide and significant contribution has been recognized in the award of one of the inaugural Wellcome Senior Investigator awards. His broad experience will make for an excellent seminar and all are welcome.

Undergraduates considering a research career or currently studying Molecular Recognition, The Molecular and Structural basis of disease or Molecular Pharmacology are particularly encouraged to attend.

Professor Laurence Pearl

Speaker information

Professor Laurence Pearl , University of Sussex. Professor of Structural Biology in the Genome Damage and Stability Centre, and Head of the School of Life Sciences.

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