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The University of Southampton
Biological Sciences

Getting over-excited by the environment? Seminar

28 January 2013
Building 85 Room 2207

For more information regarding this seminar, please telephone Beatrice Murphy on 023 8059 5374 or email .

Event details

This talk will discuss the acute and chronic changes to neurotransmitter receptor function in the honeybee following exposure to pesticide agonists.

This will be related to what we know (and don't know) about excitotoxicity and the chronic alterations to ligand-gated ion channel function - down regulation and up regulation. Can chronic exposure to pesticides result in synergistic toxicity and/or developmental problems? Are we safe?
This work lies at the interface between Neuropharmacology, Neurobiology and Ecology. All welcome.

University of Dundee Bees

Speaker information

Dr Chris Connolly , School of Medicine. University of Dundee

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