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The University of Southampton
Biological Sciences

Dr Dominic Burg BMedSc (Hons) PhD

Research Fellow

Dr Dominic Burg's photo

Dr Dominic Burg is Research Fellow within Biological Sciences at the University of Southampton.

2004: B. Med. Sc. with Honours in clinical microbiology. University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
2005-2009: PhD (Microbial Proteomics). Cavicchioli Extremophiles Laboratory and the Bioanalytical Mass Spectrometry Facility, University of New South Wales, Australia
2010-2012: Post-doctoral scientist (SCRIPT translational medicine program). University of Sydney and the Australian Proteome Analysis Facility, Australia

Research interests

My research interests lie within the field of proteomics. I have an extensive background in the discipline, ranging from technical activities (method development), proteomics of microbial biology, ecology and adaptation, through to clinical biomarker discovery and translational medicine. As such, my research interests are broad, crossing both the experimental and informatics arms of proteomics.

In the past, my research has focused on the proteomics of Cold adaptation in psychrophiles with the Cavicchioli research group. I have also used my skillset in translational medicine, with a post-doctoral stint with the Cancer Pharmacology Unit at the University of Sydney,  and the Australian Proteome analysis Facility.  In this role I was involved in a number of projects including:

  • Biomarker discovery for colorectal cancer (clinical): Discovery; data analysis; MRM design and analysis; novel quantitative MS technique development
  • Brown adipose tissue activation in cancer cachexia (mouse model): array analysis; proteomics; thermal imaging; and electron microscopy (prep and imaging)
  • Liver metabolism in cancer cachexia (mouse model): array analysis; proteomic data analysis; multi-platform data integration; preparation of samples for glycan proteomic analysis
  • Drug metabolism changes in cancer cachexia (mouse model): membrane protein (transporter) analysis; pharmacokinetic studies

However, my current role at the University of Southampton is predominately in the design and delivery of high throughput proteomics for the UBIOPRED project.

The Proteomics arm of the UBIOPRED project focuses on the development and delivery of high throughput methods for unbiased and focused proteomic analysis with absolute quantitation of large numbers of samples from asthma patients (700+).
Our research is producing high quality, unbiased (spectral based) and biased (identity-driven), proteomic data from sputum and serum in one of the largest clinical proteomic studies ever performed. We are achieving this through novel approaches to sample handling and analysis with cutting edge LC-IMS-MSe instrumentation in the Centre for Proteomic Research at the University of Southampton. Drawing upon our internal expertise and in strong collaboration with UBIOPRED partners, the resultant data are being processed and analysed using traditional and innovative approaches, including topological data analysis, to define the ‘proteomic fingerprint/s' of severe asthma.

Member of: NIHR Respiratory Biomedical Research Unit, U-BIOPRED consortium

Research group

Molecular and Cellular Biosciences

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Dr Dominic Burg
School of Biological Sciences
Faculty of Environmental and Life Sciences
Life Sciences Building 85
University of Southampton
Highfield Campus
SO17 1BJ
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