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The University of Southampton
Biological Sciences

Tissue Culture Facility

Tissue Culture was established as a dedicated Facility in the 1990’s. The move to Building 85 in 2010 saw the expansion of the Facility to it's new premises within the Life Sciences building. The Tissue Culture Facility is comprised of three dedicated laboratories for containment: Level 1 and 2 Tissue Culture. The laboratories provide access to equipment essential for the preparation and maintenance of mammalian cell lines.

Tissue Culture
Tissue Culture
Confocal microscopy image of HeLa cells stained with the nucleolar marker, nucleophosmin (green) and the mitochondrial marker, COXIV (red).
Nucleophosmin & COXIV HeLa Cells

The Facility operates on a cost recovery basis and is open to users in other programmes within the University and outside organisations. Please refer to our Costings for further details.

The facility provides a managed dedicated space with access to equipment required for the culture of mammalian cell lines.

Confocal image of mRNA and proteins of the potassium leak channel Task3. HeLa cells transfected with Task3-GFP. Task-GFP mRNA detected by FISH using anti-GFP Stellaris
Transfected HeLa cells

The Tissue Culture Facility provides researchers with a platform for the preparation and analysis of tissue cultures at the cellular level.
The facility houses a number of instruments including controlled environment incubators, biological safety cabinets and laminar flow hoods, light microscopy for sample dissection and visualisation.

Costings for the Tissue Culture Facility

Corticol neurons transfected with the RNA binding protein FXR2 flag and detected by probing with α-FLAG 1˚ and AlexaFluor 488 2˚  antibodies
RNA–binding protein FXR2

Dr Katrin Deinhardt Principal Investigator (Cellular Neurobiology)

Our work focusses on neuronal cell biology. Specifically, we are interested in understanding the complex intracellular logistics required to form, maintain and remodel neurons throughout life. Bearing in mind the vast distances that neuronal processes can cover, we are studying the interplay of short-and long-range trafficking and signalling within neurons.

Compartmented primary neuron culture
HL Compartmented device

Karen Platt - Facility  Manager
Dr Claire Clarkin - Chair of Facility User Group

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