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The University of Southampton
Biomedical Imaging Unit

1 to 1 and small group tuition

One-to-One tuition is available on all of our instruments
One-to-One tuition

We actively encourage our users to become sufficiently familiar with our instruments that they can be independent and operate them without supervision (although equally, we are always on hand and willing to offer unlimited advice and support).

Our formal courses in transmission electron microscopy and advanced light microscopy provide a solid foundation, but we do not expect users to become fully conversant with our systems simply as a result of attending these courses.

We therefore offer 1-to-1 and small group training on each of our instruments as required by individual users to facilitate independent use. In particular:

We also provide on-request training for those instruments which are not yet covered by formal courses, eg. the scanning electron microscopes, 3view system, light sheet, dotSlide, high throughput slide scanner etc.. Additional courses are in development.

We always encourage all users to come and discuss their imaging needs with us before setting up experiments, so that we can advise on the best methods of sample preparation, mounting etc. to use with our instruments and also on imaging and analysis methods. The kettle is always on!

All training and advice (apart from our formal courses) are provided free of charge to University and UHS personnel.

To enquire about a place on any of our courses or to arrange 1-to-1 tuition, please contact the relevant BIU staff member for more information.

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