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The University of Southampton
Southampton Business School Who we are

Decision Analytics and Risk Research

Research in our Department is conducted within five well-established and thriving research entities:


Marine Autonomous Vehicles

Through collaborations with world-leading manufacturers of unmanned vessels and the Canadian Government, our research on the risk and reliability of marine autonomous systems has resulted in economic and geopolitical impact. A leading UK company embedded our probabilistic modelling in the development process for its autonomous surface vehicles. This allowed the company to meet the risk and safety levels required to:·

Healthcare in Sri Lanka

Computer simulation models based directly on our research are now in routine use by the Sri Lankan Ministry of Health for planning the recruitment and training of health professionals.

As result, over 1.5 million people with no previous access to state-funded care are now able to visit a dentist once a year, and the number of unemployed qualified dentists has fallen to zero.

Selection of key publications

Title Journal Link
Quantifying the impact of environment factors on the risk of medical responders’ stress-related absenteeism Risk Analysis

Moving away from Trading on the Margins: Economic Empowerment of Informal Businesses through FinTech Information Systems Journal

Waste reduction in the supply chain of a deteriorating food item - impact of supply structure on retailer performance European Journal of Operational Research

Are the least successful traders those most likely to exit the market? A survival analysis contribution to the efficient market debate European Journal of Operational Research

Transparent modelling of influenza incidence International Journal of Forecasting

How can lenders prosper? Comparing machine learning approaches to identify profitable peer-to-peer loan investments European Journal of Operational Research

The value of text for small business default prediction European Journal of Operational Research

Turning the heat on financial decisions: Examining the role temperature plays in the incidence of bias in a time-limited financial market European Journal of Operational Research

Deep learning for credit scoring: Do or don’t? European Journal of Operational Research

The role of perceived risk on dishonest decision making during a pandemic Risk Analysis

Please see our members’ staff profiles for a full list of their publications.

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