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The University of Southampton
Southampton Business School Who we are

Professor Sally Brailsford BSc MSc PhD

Professor of Management Science

Professor Sally Brailsford's photo

Professor Sally Brailsford is Professor of Management Science within Southampton Business School at the University of Southampton.

Sally obtained a BSc in Mathematics from Kings College London, and then worked for several years as a nurse in the NHS before obtaining an MSc and then a PhD in Operational Research from Southampton. Her research is in the area of healthcare simulation modelling: to evaluate treatments and screening programmes, or to redesign and improve service delivery. Sally has worked for over 30 years in many different disease fields including diabetes, cancer, mental health and HIV/AIDS, in addition to emergency care and end-of-life care. From 2012-15 she was Vice-President 1 of EURO, the Association of European OR Societies. From 2010-19 she was Coordinator of the EURO Working Group on OR Applied to Health Services (ORAHS) and was a founding Editor-in-Chief of the UK OR Society’s journal Health Systems. She is the only person ever to have won the OR Society's Goodeve Medal three times: in 2004 for modelling emergency healthcare services in Nottingham, in 2006 for modelling chlamydia infection, and in 2015 for modelling the supply and demand for dental care in Sri Lanka.

Research interests

I have worked for over 30 years in the area of health care simulation modelling - to evaluate treatments and screening programmes, to allocate resources, to redesign processes and to improve health systems. I have developed models in the disease fields of HIV/AIDS, chlamydia, diabetes, cancer, dementia and bipolar disorder, as well as system models for emergency care and the interface between health and social care for frail older people. I am also interested in why even today, operational research methods are still less routinely used in healthcare compared with other industries. My methodological research interests include incorporating behavioural factors in simulation models and hybrid simulation.

I have supervised 25 PhDs to completion.

Affiliate research group


Professor Sally Brailsford
Southampton Business School, University of Southampton, Highfield, Southampton SO17 1BJ, UK

Room Number : /5-104

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